Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Help needed handing out fliers!!!

So Richmond is gearing up for a busy social calendar this fall and Osmosis would like to be there to handout fliers for the upcoming Darfur Diaries event Nov. 12th at the VA Holocaust Museum. Since Osmosis is powered by your help, anyone interested in jumping in should contact me at: perennialgenerator@yahoo.com!

Here are the upcoming events:
Sept. 22/23rd
VCU Arabic Film Fest
Sept. 22nd from 6:00pm to 9:30pm
Sept. 23rd from 11:00am to 7:50pm
***1:10 screening called "All About Darfur"
all screenings are free and 1st come 1st serve!

Sept. 23rd
River City Rocks which is a media group that supports various musician/comedian tours, and this particular tour is focusing on sending remaining proceeds to Save Darfur Coalition.
this event is NOT free but having a presence around the event to handout fliers would be great!

October 13,14,15
National Folk Festival
the 68th National Folk Festival will be hopping in downtown Richmond these 3 days, an amazing 70,000 people attended last year so being able to handout fliers here would be really wonderful!

IF ANYONE has another event they'd like to flyer at, or just plain need fliers to personally have to handout at their own convenience let me know, I will gladly mail them and try to fill your request as much as possible. Since I am currently operating out of my own pocket I am doing what I can! :-)


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