Friday, November 17, 2006

Shine Global shines light on child soldiers of Uganda...

Shine Global is doing things Osmosis wants to support in a big way.
They are an incredible non-profit dedicated to ending the abuse and exploitation of children through making documentaries and media products that will raise awareness and inspire social and political change. Being one of the lucky ones adopted from a Korean orphanage 31 years ago saved from living a life as a ward of the state or having to grow up in the orphanage makes a special place in my heart for these kinds of groups who are helping the children of the world be safe and healthy. If what I am able to do through Osmosis doesn't prove to you that helping these kids can make an impact locally and globally than I don't know what will!
Shine Global's premiere documentary entitled "War Dance" is a moving piece focusing on the ex-child soldiers of Uganda trying to educate themselves and their first attempt performing in a music and dance competition against great odds. See the trailerhere.


At 8:15 PM, Blogger Crayonmonster said...

Child soldiers in armed conflicts is such a growing issue and needs more publicity to raise awareness. Thanks for posting.


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