YOU need NEED magazine!!!!
WHAT an amazing endeavor, sprouted by socially conscious entrepreneurs wife Stephanie and husband Kelly Kinnunen (along with a small yet dedicated network of hardworking people) have produced issue 2 already of a visible labor of love. Rightfully titled "NEED", their tagline says it all: We Are Not Out To Save The World, But To Tell The Stories Of Those Who Are.
A publication chock full of engaging, endearing and motivational stories of people helping people, it is a much needed platform for today's minds.
A snippet from one of the more personally intriguing stories follows female de-mining teams:
"Few occupations in the world require workers to tote metal detectors and whistles, don protective body suits and possess explicit knowledge of landmines and unexploded ordnance. Such requisites conjure up visions of militias or bomb squads – organized groups working to either cause destruction or keep peace. One peacekeeping vocation needing such apparel and expertise is landmine clearance: the process of seeking and safely destroying bombs and other explosive devices buried below the ground. This vocation in de-mining requires highly skilled workers who are extremely precise and above all, fearless.
Mines Advisory Group (MAG) trains and organizes de-miners. Their mission is: “[To help] people affected by the remnants of conflict through responsive, qualitydriven and progressive action. [To] remove the physical threat of injury and death and alleviate economic devastation. [To] provide clearance and education enabling an escape from the poverty and suffering caused by conflict.” MAG is funded by several sources including national governments, UN agancies, foundations and trusts, charities and individuals. Landmine clearance is just one of many projects that MAG orchestrates in order to establish safer communities. Headquartered in Manchester, UK, MAG has worked on projects in over 35 countries around the world."~Liz Werner:Need Magazine (photo of de-miner by Claudia Janke)
ALSO checkout, soon to be in BORDERS, WHOLE FOODS GROCERY, already gracing fine establishments and co-ops.
A subscription will enlighten you and your friends and family for sure!
I also highly recommend Ode Magazine, which is full of great international stories (or as they call it a magazine for "intelligent optimists").
thnx N!
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